Stock Screener: Most Volatile Stocks by %


This list shows which stocks have the highest volatility.  The volatility is expressed in % per day.  This list does not include any stocks trading below $5.

The stocks with the highest values are listed at the top.


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WHLR - Wheeler Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc.
JUNS - Jupiter Neurosciences, Inc.
SGN - Signing Day Sports, Inc.
NDRA - ENDRA Life Sciences Inc.
ZCAR - Zoomcar Holdings, Inc.
LTBR - Lightbridge Corporation
SDST - Stardust Power Inc.
MYNZ - Mainz Biomed N.V. - Ordinary Shares
APLM - Apollomics Inc. - Class A Ordinary Shares
LPA - Logistic Properties of the Americas Ordinary Shares
SOBR - SOBR Safe, Inc.
MSTX - Defiance Daily Target 2x Long MSTR ETF
PIXY - ShiftPixy, Inc.
LASE - Laser Photonics Corporation
MSTU - T-Rex 2X Long MSTR Daily Target ETF
BDRX - Biodexa Pharmaceuticals plc - American Depositary Shares
RGC - Regencell Bioscience Holdings Limited - Ordinary Shares
MAXN - Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. - Ordinary Shares
NISN - NiSun Intl Enterprise Development Group Co, Ltd - Class A Common Shares
DNMR - Danimer Scientific, Inc.
VERB - Verb Technology Company, Inc.
SPLP - Steel Partners Holdings LP LTD PARTNERSHIP UNIT
SMST - Defiance Daily Target 2x Short MSTR ETF
TIL - Instil Bio, Inc.



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